to Desert Artisans Gallery

Alisa Raines

Alisa has been drawn to art since she was a young child.   Her childhood was spent outdoors camping and fishing with her dad.  He often found her drawing and coloring in the camper, on a picnic table or by a stream.  Alisa grew up in Montana and Wyoming and after a year of college, relocated to Colorado.  While in Colorado, Alisa sold her work through galleries and her private studio at the Loveland Arts Center.   Alisa’s professional training in art began in Colorado taking watercolor, oil, pastel and drawing classes.  Traveling often to Montana, Oregon and New Mexico in workshops helped shape her professional career and joy of painting on location.  She continues to take online classes, in person workshops and participate in critiques as she feels it is vital to never stop learning.  Alisa is inspired by the beauty of nature and enjoy the challenge of capturing fleeting moments of light and time on canvas.  In March of 2023, Alisa relocated to Tucson, Arizona where she is enjoying all of the beauty of the Sonoran Desert. 

Alisa is a member of the following organizations:

Oil Painters of America – (OPA) – Associate Member

American Women Artists – (AWA) – Associate Member

Sonoran Plein Air Painters

Tucson Pastel Society

Artwork by Alisa Raines

This is a representative sample of Alisa’s work. Not all pieces are currently for sale.


Judith Probst


Lyle Rayfield