Call to Artists

DESERT ARTISANS’ GALLERY is an artist-run gallery located in Tucson, Arizona. The Gallery represents as many as 50 local artists and is dedicated to showcasing a broad range of southwestern art in a variety of media.  For over 35 years the Gallery has been a destination for local art lovers as well as visitors to the Tucson area.

The Gallery provides visual artists the unique opportunity to display and sell their artwork in a professional environment, participate and network with a community of artists, and learn the business of running an art gallery. 

As a cooperative gallery, Desert Artisans’ offers two membership options, Full Membership and Consignment. 

  • Full Members attend monthly meetings, work one or two shifts per month, and share in other operational duties.  There is a $450 one-time buy-in fee, a minimum of $80 per month dues, and a 25% commission on sales.  Both 2D and 3D artists are eligible for Full Membership. 

  • Consignors have no operational duties, no buy-in fee or monthly dues, and pay a 50% commission on sales.  Only 3D artists are eligible for Consignment. 

All members and consignors must be juried in by the Gallery members and live in the Tucson area full time.

If you meet these criteria and are interested in being considered for membership, please contact Jury Chairperson Liz Halsted at  Include your name, art medium, email and phone number, and use "Call to Artists” as the subject line of your email.