Madeline Shea

Oil and Acrylic Painting

artist statement

Having experimented extensively with the human form by exploring its symbolism and psychology, I typically make autobiographical works with references to my own memories and personal experience. The paintings present my journey through life, examining and questioning reality in the hope of bringing clarity to it. I work primarily in oil paint on canvas and watercolor on paper with finished pieces being fairly intimate in size. More recently I have been using small groups of interacting figures as a means to represent a portion of a larger narrative. Paint application and mediums are used to enhance or exaggerate expression and eliminate detail. The study of Renaissance painters and their approach to drafting and composition has always had a strong influence on my process. I hope that observing the work would provoke similar contemplation and reflection in the viewer.

Artwork by Madeline Shea

This is a representative sample of Madeline’s work. Not all pieces are currently for sale.


Lyle Rayfield


David Thekan