Roni Woolston
A graduate of the University of Arizona, Roni Woolston, was in the fashion industry in California for 33 years. After retirement she and her husband moved to Tucson in 2005. The following year she by chance signed up for a local jewelry class and it was then that Roni decided that she loved creating jewelry.
A few years later Roni had the good fortune to meet Sam Patania, a member of the legendary family of Tucson jewelry artists. As luck would have it she became a student of his. She studied with him for six years and is blessed to still consider him to be her mentor today.
Much of Roni’s work is inspired by the Southwest. She uses lots of turquoise and silver but adds a twist by combining various gems like Aquamarine and pearls.
Her collection includes necklaces, earrings and bracelets.
Artwork by Roni Woolston
This is a representative sample of Roni’s work. Not all pieces are currently for sale.
Kingman Turquoise Heart Necklace
Sterling Silver Overlay Repousse Cuff
Half Round Silver Overlay Cuff
Sterling silver leaf choker
Kingman turquoise necklace with carved bead.
Aquamarine choker with silver end caps